Archive for September, 2013

Fashion Week are coming up shortly and I am excited to see what will amaze us on the catwalks this fall.

A few weeks ago Pure London Fashion trade fair where taking place at London Olympia/ Earls Court and I was there with Liselott from Swedish boutique and brand Lipgloss Fashion. It was a couple of days full with inspiration and discovering of new brands. Liselott also got a whole new range of fun accessories that will be available in her shop for the fall. 

Trends for the spring / summer will continue with blocking of all sorts. Colours / fabrics / patterns etc. And we will also see  more influences of the digital world we are living  in ,in designs and prints. That said the eco friendly/ reusable and earthy influences /materials and colours from around the world are still going strong.

A few images from the  Young Fashion and WomensWear catwalks. 

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-21


Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-22


Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-28

Forever Unique Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-27

Forever Unique

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-26

Forever Unique

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-25


Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-24


Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-23

Pussycat LondonPure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-18

MIA by Mia Nisbet

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-17


Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-19

Soho Fashion Victim

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-20

Soho Fashion Victim

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-12

The Style London

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-11

The Style London

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-14

Neon Rose

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-13

Neon Rose

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-15

Neon Rose

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-16

Neon Rose

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-10


Womenswear Catwalk

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-5

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-6

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-7

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-8

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-9

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-1

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-2

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-4

Pure fashion London August 2013-AC Photography©2013-3

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Twitter: AnnCphotography
All Images copyrighted Ann Charlotte Photography